Dogs sometimes suffer from human-like diseases, among which eye disease is quite common. So, what are the signs of eye disease in dogs? What are the common eye diseases in dogs? How is the treatment going? Let’s find out by reading the article below.
Signs of eye disease in dogs
Early prevention of dog eye problems To relieve discomfort, wash your eyes before seeing your doctor.Congenital eye defects are common in dogs. This condition can be very painful, and you should not keep a dog with this condition. Here are some signs of eye disease in dogs:
Eye discharge is called “watery eyes” in veterinary terms, and it is the most common symptom of eye disease.
A clear tear is a sign of watery eyes, although it can also be caused by irritation and inflammation (e.g., conjunctivitis). If the discharge is cloudy or pus-like (thick and discolored), your eye is most likely infected.
- A clear or purulent discharge
- Swelling.
- Blocked tear ducts
- Conjunctivitis.
- Glaucoma.
- Systemic infections, such as canine
The hair around the eyes must not be tangled; otherwise, the accumulation of secretions will definitely cause an infection.
Before taking your dog to the vet for diagnosis and treatment, soak the area around the eyes with cotton swabs or special eyewash drops.
For blocked tear ducts, your veterinarian will need to flush the tear ducts with anesthesia to unclog them or dilate the tear duct openings.
Urgency level
If the discharge is clear, seek veterinary care if possible.
If the discharge is purulent or the dog is in danger, seek veterinary care immediately.
Swollen eyes
Swollen tissue behind the eye can push the eye forward. The eyeball itself may also swell, pushing the eyeball out of its socket.
- Convex eyeball (relative to the other eyeball).
- Staring.
- Dilated pupils (due to nerve damage).
- I’m unable to close my eyes.
- Â Head traum
- Bleeding after a traffic acciden
- Infection behind the eye.
- Tumor.
- Glaucoma.
- Level of urgency.
Any delay can cause the dog to lose its eyeball, and you should seek veterinary advice immediately.
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The dog’s excellent hearing combined with its memory of the living room’s floor layout make it very difficult to detect that it is blind.
If you are patient, the blind dog can also get along with you and often walk with you. However, it will most likely be near you. It also helps if you talk to your dog often and avoid moving furniture unnecessarily. Once the dog has to be home alone, the sound of the radio can alleviate his loneliness.
Third eyelid problem
Some dog breeds (such as St. Bernards and Bloodhounds) have a normal third eyelid, but in most dogs, if the third eyelid suddenly becomes noticeable and protrudes, there could be a problem. subject. Possible causes include: eye pain, weight loss, curvature of cartilage (a birth defect), and transient prolapse (common in breeds with loose lower eyelids).
Symptoms of third eyelid disorder include: a white membrane protruding from the inner corner of the eye, often with a black border; a red bean-shaped bump in the inner corner of the eye; a foreign body behind the third eyelid; an eyesore; red eyes.
If the dog develops the above symptoms, please consult a veterinarian immediately. At the same time, the eyes must be washed and kept moist.
Congenital drooping eyelid disease
The most common eyelid deformities in dogs with congenital ptosis are inverted and inverted.The eyelid turns inward, causing tears to collect in the inner sacs formed by the eyelid and drying out the cornea.
A dog’s eyelashes can grow in the wrong direction, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eye, causing pain and redness. This condition is known as “inverted eyelashes.” It’s a similar problem with so-called “double lashes,” where the extra eyelashes on the eyelid rim also rub against the eye.
If left untreated, these conditions can cause serious injuries and even blindness. Fortunately, these eyelashes can be removed with surgery or electrolysis.
The telltale sign of eye disease in dogs with conjunctivitis is pain. Causes may be infection, abrasion, congenital disease, eyelid tumor, or irritants entering the eye, such as dust or delay. Symptoms include watery eyes, eye rubbing, and red eyes.
When the cornea becomes inflamed, it becomes cloudy, dark green, or completely opaque. common in hepatitis, called blue eyes. The whites of the eyes then become severely congested, and over time, chronic inflammation can even create a melanoma that extends from one end of the eye to the other. If the cause of the inflammation can be promptly treated, the condition can be stopped or slowed down. The melanoma can also sometimes be removed with sophisticated surgery.
The specific telltale sign of cataracts in dogs is an opaque area inside the lens that reduces the dog’s vision. Some are genetic, and some can be caused by illness or by eating poorly during pregnancy. Cataracts develop in many dogs as they age, but they do not necessarily require treatment.
Increased intraocular pressure
Signs of eye disease in dogs for glaucoma are specifically: Diseases of the design of the intraocular drainage system Possible causes include bleeding, inflammation in the head cavity, and birth defects. Fluid is constantly present in the eye to nourish it, and if the fluid outlet is blocked, fluid build-up can cause the eye to swell and hurt. Inflamed eyes and severe pain can also cause a dog to cry continuously. Other symptoms include swelling, pain, and sensitivity to light.
If your dog develops the above symptoms, please consult your veterinarian immediately. Treatment with surgery or special medications to reduce fluid production, dilate the pupils, and improve drainage from the eye
Retinal disease
The disease affects the light-sensitive retina and is most severe with structural abnormalities of the retina.
Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
The blood supply to parts of the retina is gradually depleted, causing the photoreceptors to die. The main symptom is loss of vision. There are two types of central and diffuse diseases, both of which can lead to vision loss. Central PRA may not cause complete blindness, but diffuse PRA often causes blindness. Cataracts can also occur.
Eye Anomalies (CEA) in Sheepdogs
habit of attacking long-haired collies and German shepherds. may cause retinal hemorrhage or retinal detachment, leading to blindness. Most longhaired collies will have CEA to some degree. Fortunately, only about 5% of dogs with the disease are blind, and they often only lose one eye. The only solution is to screen the cubs by breeding.
Specific health problems of certain breeds
After helping people to know some of the telltale signs of eye disease in dogs, here are the specific health problems of some specific dog breeds.
- Terriers are prone to lens misalignment.
- German Shepherds are prone to conjunctivitis, curvature of the cartilage, and cataracts.
- St. Bernard is prone to transient prolapse and curvature of the cartilage.
- Bloodhounds, boxers, bulldogs, and basset hounds are prone to transient prolapse.
- Longhair Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are prone to central CEA and PRA.
- PRA is diffused in Cairn Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Dutchess Spaniels, Poodles, and Irish Setters.
- Afghan terriers, Boston terriers, poodles, and Staffordshire terriers are prone to cataracts.
You can refer to more knowledge about pet dog care here:Â Dogs care
The above article has helped people better understand the signs of eye disease in dogs. I hope everyone knows better to be able to improve the health of their dogs.
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