Raising and take care of pregnant cats is a hobby that many people choose to pursue in their spare time. A lot of people often think that this is extremely easy. But not! It is a process that requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and your efforts. In the process take care of pregnant cat, there are many problems that arise that cause “brain confusion” and fatigue for the lotus. In particular, take care of pregnant cats is a “fever” issue and causes difficulties for many friends.
So, how do you take good care of her pregnant cat? In the following article, Noithatthucung.com will share some of its experiences with pregnant cats.
1. What are the telltale signs of a pregnant cat?
Cats are soft animals and are often very close to their owners. Therefore, every time a cat shows strange signs, you can easily recognize it immediately. During the breeding season, female cats often have a lot of different behaviors than usual. These behaviors often manifest outwardly through eating, sleeping, walking, and some other gestures. So how do you recognize a pregnant cat?
1.1. The estrous season mating in cats
Cats usually mate and breed in the spring or fall. Because these days have warm climate conditions, the day is longer than the night, making it suitable for them to find a mate. We call this the estrus season. Most female cats will breed in the estrus season, when they are fully grown and fully developed. As a result, when raising a cat for 4 months or more, you must pay attention to their behavior on days during the estrus season in order to take precautions.
Changes in mating behavior
During the first stages of the reproductive cycle, Female cats frequently eat a lot and are more obedient than usual. In addition, cats often emit small, soft meows. However, once she enters the next stages of estrus, the female cat’s behavior will change.
First, for about 4–6 days, female cats often have extremely “sexy” expressions to attract male cats. Notably, their gait is “lighter” and “softer.” The cat knows how to pay attention to the body and “keep fit” and “fluffy.” In particular, female cats often emit erotic, attractive, and inviting calls to male cats. The meows are emitted continuously, elegantly, and sweetly.
Second, cats often skip meals. During this time, female cats often deserve the title of “boy-loving.” They become anorexic, fleeing to find a mate. Due to the effect of eating in large numbers in the early stages, they now “keep in shape” and cultivate on the mating path.
Third: When female cats enter estrus, they often walk next to the male cat, rolling back and forth on the floor, lifting the hips up, and pulling the tail to the side. in a position where she is always ready to be provocative and call a mate.
Fourth: after mating, female cats are often lethargic, light, and quiet. During a period of 10 days, the female cat often has the phenomenon of “cultivating the mind and nourishing nature.” And often, they tend to lie in the cage and doze off.
1.2. Signs that the cat is pregnant
After the estrus season, you need to pay attention to the body changes in the female cat to be ready to take care of pregnant cat. Most female cats after this period will become pregnant and enter the nursing period, giving birth. So what are the signs that a female cat is pregnant?
First, the breast changes color. Like many other animals, at the beginning of pregnancy, about 2-3 weeks in, the female cat’s nipples will change from dark pink to light pink. After that, it will get darker, and the size will start to grow larger. This will help them have enough milk to supplement the kittens after birth.
Second, change the shape. We already know what it’s like to be pregnant, right? Swollen arms and legs, as well as a large belly. So does the female cat. During pregnancy, the cat’s belly will swell, and the back is slightly bent down to support the abdomen. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the belly will bulge at different rates.
Third, change behavior. After knowing she is pregnant, the mother cat will prepare the nest. They often look for quiet and cozy places to nest. by bringing clothing and soft blankets into the nest. You can pay attention to adjusting the nest to make it convenient for the newborn kitten.
1.3. Some notes when monitoring to recognize pregnant cats.
There are some female cats that breed and mate when they are not in heat. So you do not need to be too worried or bothered when you notice that female cats do not mate during the normal heat season.
– If your cat is not pregnant but is lying in it and shows signs of lethargy, fatigue, or nesting. Then you must pay close attention and seek advice from your veterinarian. Avoid cat diseases that affect their health and development.
Cats that have been neutered are not fertile.
2. A guide to taking care of pregnant cats
Taking care of a pregnant mother is very important and necessary to give birth to a healthy, fat baby. In it, you need to pay attention to nutrition, accommodation, hygiene, etc.
2.1. Nutrition:
Depending on the stage of pregnancy, divide the nutritional diet accordingly. During this time, you need to increase the amount of food more than usual. Because now the mother cat is “raising two alone.” The amount of food should be enough to replenish the kittens inside.
Nutritional composition: The food provided must be nutritionally adequate. like protein and protein from meat, fish, eggs, and milk. Vitamins from vegetables, tubers, fruits, etc. During this stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to supplement minerals such as iron, etc.
As the due date approaches, talk to your veterinarian about dietary supplements for cats.
However, eating also needs to be done in moderation. Absolutely, do not overfeed them. avoiding difficulty in reproduction later because of being too fat.
Cats usually drink very little water. However, while pregnant, it is very important to stay hydrated. You should schedule the whole diet, paying attention to providing enough clean water for the pregnant cat.
You can read more: Top 5 nutritious foods for pregnant cats
2.2. Make a nest to care for the pregnant cat.
Pregnant cats often have the habit of “self-sufficiency” when making nests to nurture and give birth. However, to ensure that the cat reproduces well and the offspring will be well taken care of, take the initiative to make a nest for the cat.
You should choose a location and space that are suitable for pregnant cats. It is quiet, warm, and safe. You can choose to have them nest in the corner of the kitchen, in the corner of the house, or build a separate safe cage for them. This position can help the pregnant cat avoid rain and wind and protect the body so it can give birth to a healthy baby.
You can also buy cages, or “private houses,” and necessary accessories for pregnant cats at amazon: Necessary accessories for pregnant cats
2.3. Examining and examining pregnant cats
Like many other animals, when pregnant, the mother cat also becomes quite weak and vulnerable. Therefore, if possible, you should bring your cat to a veterinary facility for an examination and health check.
It is necessary to consult a doctor to have the right and effective measures to care for a pregnant cat. In particular, you should pay attention to the cases that may occur when the pregnant cat gives birth, especially the difficult ones. It is worth noting in it that uterine problems—bleeding, abdominal pain,..Consult a doctor for advice and support when necessary.
2.4. Caring for pregnant cats after giving birth
After giving birth, the mother cat will take care of the baby cat by wrapping it warmly and burying it in her body. The mother cat will feed her kittens with milk and clean the kittens.
During this period, you should supplement the diet of the mother cat to increase the milk for the kittens.
Check to make sure the cat’s mother’s quarters are clean. Avoid dirty conditions that create conditions for parasites to multiply and develop, affecting the weak health of baby cats.
If you notice any unusual symptoms in your cat, contact your veterinarian right away. With some useful information and experience taking care of pregnant cats, I hope you can take good care of and protect your family’s pregnant cat.
You can refer to more knowledge about pet cat care here: Cats care